Blog Post #3 Inclusive Design

Inclusiveness and diversity are key to social media, so I will focus on these two points in the instructional design. Designers of inclusive learning experiences recognize that every learner is different. Therefore, the diversity of design will be inclusive of people of different abilities, languages, cultures, genders, and ages.

If I am a learner, the most important thing I will pay attention to in PLN is to listen to others’ ideas to learn what others understand, and at the same time to express all my opinions honestly and make progress in mutual communication. I think we can get better learning results by communicating with different people.

When I learn some theoretical knowledge, I can only apply this knowledge to my homework and test paper. In practical teamwork and cooperation, if I do not have When I learn some theoretical knowledge, I can only apply this knowledge to my homework and test paper. In practical teamwork and cooperation, if I do not have mutual communication and cooperation between my peers, I cannot achieve an excellent level. Everyone is good at different areas, just like the blueprint design this time, the title of my group is personal finance. To be honest, I know more about personal finance in theory, but I don’t have any experience in practical operation. In this group cooperation, I will be mainly responsible for the risk part of personal finance, and my team members will be responsible for the part that I am not good at. In our group cooperation, each of us will think and analyze problems from more angles, which I think is the best embodiment of inclusiveness and diversity.

There are three principles of inclusive design:

1. Understand Your Learners and Organizational Culture

Before designing a learning program, it is necessary to know what kind of people the audience is. The main issues to consider are:

  • Who are your learners?
  • What is their experience with workplace learning?
  • What knowledge and skills do they already have?
  • How, when, and where do they access learning programs?
  • What initiatives, tools, and approaches have been successful in the past? (Kenny, 2021)

Designers’ understanding of learners can be learned from their self-introduction, and I even think we can use a questionnaire mode to understand them. These problems can directly understand their differences in different perspectives, to better adjust the teaching design inclusively.

2. Design Authentically

Three steps: Content Design → Design Evaluation → Determine if Differentiated experiences are needed
In terms of content, it is important to consider whether ready-made resources can meet the needs of learners and support the goals of the organization. When you’re designing or selecting content, be conscious of the situations, faces, and cultures depicted throughout your learning experience. Use images that portray diverse people in authentic work environments, and incorporate names from a variety of cultures. (Kenny, 2021) To promote sustainable changes in thinking styles and behavior, the learning experience should allow for practice and application, where learners can engage with the material in both the learning environment and the work environment. Add tutors, or instructional videos on the web to address the content for different groups and reinforce the organization’s key message.

3. Leverage Technology

Today’s technology allows us to stay connected while working from home, such as Zoom, which we use for our online classes, or WordPress, which we are using to build our blog. But we also need to be careful how long we use these techniques.

Prolonged video conferencing can fatigue learners and prevent engagement, and inevitable technical glitches can disrupt the flow of learning. To create a genuinely inclusive learning experience, learners must feel both seen and heard, without the disruptions of background noise and shifting camera focus, awkward pauses, or poor connections. (Kenny, 2021)

Inclusive learning experiences should facilitate connections between learners and the organization. The program must feel collaborative and engaging––however, this requirement does not depend on a simultaneous video conference or an in-person experience. Asynchronous learning can provide flexible learning experiences that are accessible regardless of time or location, and can promote reflection and engagement, all without the pressure of a live event. (Kenny, 2021)

Peer’s Feedback:

Elijah talks about the three dimensions of inclusive design, which are different from my blog, but I think they all fit together. After learning about inclusiveness, my understanding of inclusive learning design is that the goal of inclusive design is to build adaptive one-size-fits-all learning experiences that leverage human diversity in the design process so that each learner can accomplish their learning outcomes. Inclusive learning design is more like a way of thinking. Flexible teaching should give students more personal responsibility and expectations for their learning, and I agree with Elijah. Inclusion is good for everyone and gives everyone a place to stand.


Kenny, T. (2021, January 4). Three principles for inclusive learning design: ATD. Main. Retrieved October 24, 2022, from

1 Comment

  1. Anastassiya

    Nicely done! I appreciate that you explained the concept of “inclusiveness,” using a personal example, then supported your argument with other evidence (e.g., Kenny, 2021). You are right; students with different abilities, skill sets, and interests can contribute to the group project and feel a sense of personal accomplishment and ownership of their learning outcomes through completing tasks they are good at/interested in. Please do not forget to add a reference to the image. 

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